Asscher Stone

The Asscher cut is a vintage-inspired diamond shape that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Having smaller facets and a deep pavilion, they can present an elegant appearance and exceptional brilliance. The Asscher shape is a square or rectangular shape with cropped corners and a step-cut faceting pattern. It has a distinctive, vintage-inspired look that sets it apart from other diamond shapes. The step-cut faceting pattern of the Asscher cut highlights the diamond's clarity and can make it appear larger and more brilliant than other diamond shapes of the same carat weight. The Asscher cut has a timeless elegance that makes it a popular choice for engagement rings and other jewelry. Its vintage-inspired look is both classic and sophisticated, and it can complement a wide range of personal styles. The Asscher shape can be set in a variety of ways, including solitaire, halo, and three-stone settings. It can also be paired with other diamond shapes to create a more intricate design. The Asscher shape offers a unique and timeless option for those looking for a vintage-inspired diamond shape for their engagement ring or other jewelry. Its step-cut faceting pattern highlights its clarity and brilliance, while its versatile design can complement a wide range of personality tries.

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